Growing up I was not a morning person, I was a night owl. Going to bed I would indulge my thoughts and desires and dwell in them late into the evening going to bed starry eyed. Waking up was a race against the clock. My poor mother screaming up the stairs, my cousin beeping the horn, only so that I could hit the snooze button a few more times. I'm not sure what was so painful about starting the day for me. One I think I was tired, two I think it was a wakeup call to my overcommited lifestyle. I barely made it through each jam-packed day. School started at 7:30AM-my eyes open occasionally and my mind off wandering. Practice started after school-I played sports for the glory and because I was expected to. Work started after practice- I needed to earn money. Homework, family dinners, social engagements-when was time for me? This was most often spent in my head. Daydreaming while standing in goal at soccer practice; sketching while in math class and spending every morning angry that I had to wakeup and do it all over again.
While I am glad my parents are austere and raised me with discipline, I spent most of my day not being mindful and focused on where I was, what I was doing. Writing papers took hours longer than they could have, staying after practicing to "work on my shot" and tutoring sessions after school left me feeling "behind" when my life was infront of me.
Needless to say mornings were a drag and nights were spent escaping once all my responsibilities were over. Moments that were meant to be spent spiritual were spent selfishly-I remember praying in church that I would win soccer games.
The point to these ramblings is that I never lived in the moment. My time was spent elsewhere-thinking of other things. Meditation has taught me to sit still and be with that feeling that rests above our heads-the light. We can delight in this light or the calm in our breaths nourishing our bodies. Instead of basking in fantasies or anchoring in the past-enjoy the sunrise it is a new day.
While I am glad my parents are austere and raised me with discipline, I spent most of my day not being mindful and focused on where I was, what I was doing. Writing papers took hours longer than they could have, staying after practicing to "work on my shot" and tutoring sessions after school left me feeling "behind" when my life was infront of me.
Needless to say mornings were a drag and nights were spent escaping once all my responsibilities were over. Moments that were meant to be spent spiritual were spent selfishly-I remember praying in church that I would win soccer games.
The point to these ramblings is that I never lived in the moment. My time was spent elsewhere-thinking of other things. Meditation has taught me to sit still and be with that feeling that rests above our heads-the light. We can delight in this light or the calm in our breaths nourishing our bodies. Instead of basking in fantasies or anchoring in the past-enjoy the sunrise it is a new day.
Mornings are the time to wake up and dedicate each day to the tasks that lie in front of us not ahead of us. Wake up open your eyes and clear your head. Don't let the monkey brain take over telling you about the mishaps of yesterday or the musts of today. Grab a journal-today is a new day! How do you feel today? Take some time to reflect on your dreams or create before the urgency of your inbox hits your life like a guard rail. Make yourself a healthy breakfast and go for a walk or do some yoga-whatever appeals to you. Make some tea take a deep whiff and enter the bathroom putting your best face forward. Start with a small ritual-playing some tunes maybe-whatever helps your soul grow before you shrink wrap it, put it in your lunch box and stuff it aside.
"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
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